
more Thanksgiving humor

I deeply suspect that Ziggy is a relation of Shabby's......

Hmmmm I suspect that Tom's a tad light in the spurs, what do you think?
Ohhh and speaking of having work done, Im reposting the next one simply because a darling friend of mine did some...ummm... adjusting to it. I'm surprised he didnt put the VanNess doggy and plastic bags on them too! I highly suspect that given some time, he'd get that figured out as well.....

On that note...time to head downstairs for the day to get the rest of the laundry done and get my daily pedal in........


Intense Guy said...


I've always enjoyed Ziggy and the droll humor of Tom Wilson.


ChicagoLady said...

I'd say that Tom is a little light in the feathers maybe? LOL

Cute cartoons!