
Important Update and not so important stuff

Didnt hear from the urologist by 3pm today so I beeped hubby and had him call them. They were *just then* working on his scheduling. *sigh* I wont go there I promise. Ya'll know how I feel about this dang mess. Anyhow he's due in tomorrow (Tues) at 9am for pre-op stuff. Wednesday morning at 630am he goes in for the procedure. We need prayers this procedure is better than the 80% effectiveness we were quoted. Surgery means time off and we all know what that means (oohhh I promised not to go there...sorry). He does have an option if he needs surgery though. He was telling me his boss had mentioned if they'd (him n his boss ) had thought of it they would have put him on "short term" disability...this way he wasnt missing out on any pay and he could have the time off. Crossing my fingers he doesnt need that and if he does the option is still available.

On not so important news...you'll find two new links to the right. Im still working on the decor to the one area but there is an introduction entry in already. I'll put last Thursday's adventure to the obgyn in there tomorrow. The other link is to a crafting area. Im thinking about a jokes page too, simply as a place to put all those emailed jokes I get. It'd beat leaving them in my email inboxes....unless that's being done by someone already....


ChicagoLady said...

So the "procedure" tomorrow is the non-invasive one, and if that doesn't work, then they'll do surgery, right? Just trying to keep all this straight, lol.

Ranger will be in my thoughts tomorrow, hoping it's successful so he doesn't need surgery, or have to take more time off work.


LadyStyx said...

Tomorrow is pre-op. Wednesday is the non-invasive one. If it doesnt work then things get stepped up to surgery. He still will be put somewhat under on Wednesday and wont be able to drive so I have a friends who said she'll be a taxi for us.

AliceKay said...

I'll be keeping Ranger in my thoughts and prayers. Hope things go well for him on Wednesday.

LadyStyx said...

Thanks :]