
Happy Birthday Karla!!


more gas funnies

Pardon me as I clean out some files... these should have been posted with the others...


the OOP Group

Couldnt resist...sorry. *blames this brainstorm on Chicago*

Why? Because she's the one who pointed out they have "committment cones" at every racetrack near the pit roads. This must mean every NASCAR driver's a believer too right?

Gas funnies


EDITED @ 938pm with a new picture. The original post had just the black t-shirt. Thanks to iggy's brainstorm, I've tweaked the picture. :D

EDITED @ 1001pm with another updated picture. The neck tag wasnt showing properly and I had to resize it.....
Ohhhh the timing of the edjumakashunalz sometimes I swear. This beaut was in my daily reading today. The timing is beautiful on 2 counts. Firstly, we've yet to move that 1200+ sqft engagement ring of mine back in Texas. At least hubby hasnt said we have....definitely time for him to contact the dude responsible for getting it gone. Secondly, well you'd need to read my friend iggy's blog for the last couple days to understand I guess. Go ahead, ya know ya wanna...his link is over on the right under "links to my friends" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.


I was thinking today, and trying to get myself through a huge munchie attack when the above pictures came to mind. Quite a similarity eh? Maybe the candies are the OCHAs' version of ambrosia?