Hey it's Super Bowl Sunday! Who are you rooting for? Im cheering for the northern team in the tight pants today. What? They're BOTH northern teams in tight pants?? Well then how about I just cheer for the commercials then because that's all I'm really going to end up watching anyhow. ~grinz~
Im working on several pages today so just keep checking back. I think Im going to go and decorate the Main Blog for the season. Im getting tired of the fushia and black anyhow. Dont get me wrong...it's awesome as is, Im just tired of it right now and since it's the one page everyone reads, it's the one that will get the holiday treatment. Ive got several pages of email jokes that I want to weed out too so I may get those posted in the jokes area. Ive been getting some inspirational type ones I'd like to share so Im tossing up making a page them as well. I do have that one page Im not doing much with....(no not the Padded Room or the art area...there's another that I havent posted a link for yet).
Been sitting on that comic above for several days now ... waiting for just the right day. I guess this explains all the "alien" sitings we've had the last month or so...what with Mardi Gras season and the Super Bowl....~grinz~
EDITED 253pm: Saw iggy's comment come through so I figured I'd whip up a little something for him. I hope ya like it.

Hey looks like he was in the military for a bit and earned some stripes. Awesome! Maybe we can get him to choose Walter as a VP? (see link at rt..Walter for President).
I gotta get a bumper sticker made up for my car!
An(y!) Orange Conehead for President!
LMAO, that's great!!!
Thanks :D!!!
I think any seld-respecting Conehead would *love* to have Walter as a running mate!
I printed out the bumper sticker LOL - going to print out a few more tomorrow on the color printer at work!
Im so glad you liked it iggy!! And yes, any self-respecting Conehead will *love* to have Walter on the ticket!
Great pics...both of them. :)
And I love the song I'm hearing here now. (checked back at your page) Wow! It's Linkin Park!!! (i gotta have that song)
I think I only have about half the songs that are in the player. Some of them came out after we were packed up. Im pretty sure the Linkin Park song is one that just came out in the last couple weeks or so.
I got the Linkin Park song this morning. I really like it. I'm loving the song by Natasha Bedingfield I'm hearing right now, too. I think I know someone who has this song. I'll have to go ask for it. *winks*
AK, did you get the Natasha Bedingfield song? LOL
LOL@ the 2 of you
Yes, I got the Natasha Bedingfield song, chicagolady. (thank you...LOL)
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